Tribute to Oliver
We said a very sad goodbye to our little buddy Oliver on the first of the month. My husband, Eric, had adopted him and brought him home from the city pound on April 11, 2015. He had been brought in as a stray and his age was unknown; he was thought to be 6-7 years...

Quonset Project Start-up Guide
About the Quonset Project Start-up Guide I'm more excited than ever about the Quonset Project Start-up Guide! I've been compiling it over the past few months, but really it's been something I've wanted to do ever since we started building our very first Quonset hut...

Headquarters Hut Framing Progress
Over the past several weeks we've made great progress on interior framing in the Headquarters Hut! If you follow me on Instagram or are a member of my DIY Quonset Dwellers group on Facebook (both of which I highly recommend, btw) you have probably seen some sneak...

Radiant Floor Plumbing Setup
Heating the Quonset Hut with Radiant Floor Heating Radiant floor heat is going to be one of the creature comforts we're building into the house and we're really excited about it. Any time you have open, lofty space in a home, the most efficient way to heat it is via...

Loft House Septic System Connection
We'd been trying for months - basically all spring and summer - to get the main waste line for the Loft House connected to the septic system. There are a couple of crews that we have used for grading and excavating at the property and everyone was just too booked up...