We said a very sad goodbye to our little buddy Oliver on the first of the month.

My husband, Eric, had adopted him and brought him home from the city pound on April 11, 2015. He had been brought in as a stray and his age was unknown; he was thought to be 6-7 years old. Here is his mug shot from the shelter:

And here he was that first day in his new backyard.

He was so happy and chill in his new home and loved the comfy furniture.

A lot of these images are relatively sedate pictures of Oliver being cute sitting around on the furniture. Here are a couple of videos (helped out by a little editing from me – turn up your sound!) that show different sides of his personality:

He loved jumping up on any kind of chair – in fact the minute you moved any chair he had to jump up on it right away, as if to inspect it. He was a really good jumper!

Once he realized Eric sat from time to time on the piano bench, he started jumping up on there, too!

He also loved resting his chin on the arm of a chair.

He didn’t really like going in the car, so we didn’t take him with us to the Quompound all that often. But once we got there he always settled in with us and just liked being with his people.

He was never high-strung like smaller dogs can sometimes be. He had an incredible nose and you could almost see him thinking as he sniffed.

He loved drinking puddle water off our flagstone patio whenever we got any rain. I mean, why drink out of your boring water bowl when you could be drinking fresh puddle water?!?!

He was just a sweet little guy. He was our little buddy, and now the house feels empty without him.

He will live in our hearts all our days.

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