Reach out!
Have a question about Quonset huts or Clever Moderns? First, please read through my Frequently Asked Questions.
If you don’t see an answer, feel free to email me directly, either here, or manually to earl-at-clevermoderns-dot-com.
I am continually amazed at the community that is forming online around Quonset huts! At the same time, I’m extremely busy taking care of my custom-Quonset-home clients. Because of the number of messages I receive from readers like you, my response times are sometimes up to a week. I apologize in advance for slow response times, but I do make an effort to answer all messages.
Interested in working with me on a custom design for your Quonset House™? I invite you to fill out this questionnaire to get things started (and I would also suggest you read through the FAQ’s linked above). I will get notified of your responses, and contact you back about your project.
I look forward to hearing from you, and appreciate your interest!
– Earl Parson
Have a question about Clever Moderns? If you don’t see an answer on our new FAQ page, feel free to email me directly, via earl-at-clevermoderns-dot-com.

I am continually amazed at the community that is forming online around Quonset huts! These days (Summer 2020) I am extremely busy taking care of my amazing custom-Quonset-home clients. Because I am short staffed, and have been receiving many awesome messages from readers like you, my response times are sometimes up to a week. I apologize in advance for slow response times, but I do make an effort to answer all messages.
I look forward to hearing from you, and appreciate your understanding!
– Earl Parson