Quonset Hut Guest House: Time Lapse!

I love putting together these time lapse videos. The Quonset hut arches look so cool when they just go together fast!

We realized later that we didn’t really have any photos of the scissor lift except for what we got on video. Seeing it pop up and down so fast is kind of hilarious in a way; it was actually really tedious at times to position it correctly. 

Check it out on our YouTube channel and please subscribe if you enjoy it.

Do you have an idea for a Quonset hut-related YouTube video you would like to see? Or a subject related to Quonset huts in general or Quonset hut houses in particular? If so, feel free to leave it in the comments below or drop me a line via the Quonset Q&A link up top.

Cheers & thanks for stopping by!

Curious about Quonsets? Ready to learn more about these bizarre, amazing, shiny, round, prefab structures? Drop your info below and I’ll start you off on my email tutorial series. Looking to build an inexpensive but beautiful home debt-free? Considering going off-grid? Or are you just tired of the same old same old and want something unique and beautiful? A Quonset House might be the answer for you.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook. We also have a private Facebook group called DIY Quonset Dwellers, where we share discussion, design, and construction tips with others who are interested in building their own Quonset hut house. With over 6,000 members and counting, the Facebook group has grown into an amazing resource all of its own! Learn more and request to join the Facebook group here.